Site construction assistance

    We provide support to the construction activities with levelling, pegging, setting out....for:

  • Roads and Highways:
    -- Establishing survey control points, a permanent control points to be established for both horizontal and vertical control along the full length of all roads
    -- Detailed topographical survey and materialization of the planned path
    -- Levelling and pegging for excavations areas
    -- Pegging all pavement material layer
    -- Foundations installation, bridge pile etc... 
    -- Earth works quantities (excavation, compact material, pavement layer,clayey soil, top soil removal..)

  • Pipelines constructions

  • Power lines constructions
    -- Line route study and materialization of the angle point
    -- tower pegging according to the staking table
    -- Cross sections surveys to calculate the leg extension
    -- Levelling and tracing the foundation excavation area
    -- and more....

  • Monitoring quarry areas and volume calculation using 3D terrain models.

  • Buildings:
    -- Levelling and pegging the foundation excavation area
    -- support for installation of infrastructure and prefabricated components (beams, support elements etc..) for industrial plants, industrial buildings, etc..



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